I'm Dave

Would you like me to spend 30 minutes with you and your leadership team for FREE

Yes I would!

G'day! I'm Dave

Would you like me to spend 30 minutes with you and your leadership team for FREE?

Yes I would!

Are You A Business Owner That Employs People? 


My name is Dave Clare, and I help leaders evolve themselves and their businesses to stay relevant in the hearts and minds of the people they choose to serve. I've been brainstorming (and heartstorming) with leaders like you for decades.

All we need is you, anybody you want involved and a whiteboard.

*We can do this online too.


There's a lot we can cover in 30 minutes. 

In this FREE 30 MINUTE SESSION, we can look at any of the four critical frameworks of culture, strategy, tactics and performance for your success. 

All we need is you, anybody you want involved and a whiteboard.


No Obligation.
No Sales Pitch.
No Expectations. 

1. Pick the Topic

Decide what problem, challenge or situation you would like to tackle during the session.

2. Select the Attendees

Decide who else, besides you, do you want to sit in on the whiteboard session.

3. Book Your Session

Contact me with the answer to the first two steps and we will lock in a time to have the session!

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!

I'm Ready For A Session